About Us

Why We Are Obsessed With Helping Students Dominate Tests

Navigating the landscape of standardized test preparation has become increasingly crucial for students aiming for academic success and college admissions. Recent trends highlight that even the most academically advanced students benefit significantly from mastering test-taking strategies. As a parent, providing your child with opportunities and resources to excel on these exams is paramount.

At Testive, we understand the importance of investing in test preparation. We take a holistic approach to ensure students not only achieve their target scores but also develop essential skills for college and beyond. Our personalized guidance and support system are designed to empower students with the confidence and abilities needed to succeed in both academics and the real world.

By partnering with Testive, you’re offering your child a dedicated team committed to their academic growth and success. Together, we’ll help them build the resilience, knowledge, and strategies necessary to navigate standardized tests and future challenges with confidence.

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Meet Some of Our Expert Tutors

What Our Clients Say

Why Choose Testive for Your Test Preparation Needs?

"Dasha was the SAT tutor for both of my sons. Not only was she patient, but she pushed them both to achieve their goals in a firm but very kind way. One son increased his score 300 points and the other achieved close to a perfect score. I cannot recommend her highly enough and will most definitely utilize her services for my daughter. Dasha is truly the best!"
Robin R.
"We have used John twice, and his guidance has been beyond measure. John helped both my sons achieve their highest score potential. He established a strong rapport with our kids and instilled in them a high level of confidence. Prior to each test we joked that if they come across a tricky question just think WWJD—What would John do—and they’ll be fine!"
"We continue to be really impressed with Nick M’s high level of dedication and talent as regards his tutoring of our son Julian. He’s on top of everything—in fact, always a step ahead, intuiting what Julian might need, what we his parents might need. He really cares and we feel so lucky to have him in our lives, helping us navigate all of Julian’s educational needs."
Claire B.